Welcome to your Prayer Pantry in Marshall, a unique resource that sets us apart. Here, we go beyond simply alleviating food insecurity; we also seek spiritual aid from our Creator, recognizing the profound importance of nourishing both the body and the soul. As stewards of compassion and faith, we believe in the power of prayer to provide comfort, guidance, and strength during times of need. Join us in embracing this holistic approach to community support, where we nourish not only bodies but also spirits, fostering a sense of wholeness and resilience for all who seek assistance.
Food Drive
WHEN: MONDAYS through FRIDAY at 9 AM- 5 PM
DROP LOCATION: 1115 Verona Rd, Marshall, MI 49068MOST NEEDED ITEMS:
rice, pasta, canned foods, canned vegetables, juice box, cereals, nuts, peanut butter, preserves, jamCALL/TEXT for inquires: (269) 245-7973Make a small donation and help those in need; simply click on the DONATE button below.
Thanks and God bless you!

Help Building Our Community Service Center!
At our Community Service Center, we're not just providing aid; we're building a stronger, more resilient community together. Join us in our mission to create a hub of support, compassion, and empowerment for everyone in our neighborhood. Whether you're looking to volunteer your time, contribute your skills, or donate resources, there's a place for you here. Together, let's build something remarkable that will uplift and sustain our community for generations to come. Be a part of the change—join us today.
Prayer Pantry
As stewards of compassion and kindness, Marshall Community Service Center is a Prayer Pantry that extends a warm welcome to all who seek assistance. Our mission is to create a stronger, more resilient community where everyone can thrive, supported by the power of prayer and mutual care. Donate through our website, discover how you can get involved, and join us in fostering solidarity and service within our community.

Our Commitment
Our commitment extends beyond simply providing food. Your donations of food and resources are crucial in ensuring that we can meet the diverse needs of those we serve. Additionally, we invite you to direct individuals seeking spiritual support to our Prayer Pantry. Here, we offer not only nourishment for the body but also solace and strength for the soul through the power of prayer. Together, let's forge a network of compassion and care, where every individual receives the support they require to thrive. Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of those in our community.
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